Monday-Friday: 08.30am to 5.30pm

Syracuse has the weather and the terrain to make it an excellent destination for snowmobiling. If, however, you’re injured by someone else’s negligence while engaging in this exhilarating sport, all the fun comes to an abrupt end, and the losses you experience can be immense. If this is the challenging situation you find yourself in, you need the professional legal counsel of an experienced Syracuse snowmobile accident attorney on your side.

Snowmobilers Owe a Duty of Care to Everyone on the Trail

While getting out on a snowmobile is a recreational activity, this doesn’t mean that those who partake are absolved of all responsibility in relation to safety. In fact, snowmobilers – just like motorists on our roads – owe others on the trail a duty of care, which means bearing responsibility for their safety.

Excess Speed on the Trail

Many of the most popular snowmobile trails have speed limits posted, and those drivers who exceed these limits put everyone on them at greater risk. Speed is part of the excitement when it comes to snowmobiling, but failure to take safety into consideration is a big risk factor.

In fact, New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation reports that excess speed was the primary cause of nearly 40 percent of all the snowmobile fatalities in the 2021-2022 season. Speeding not only endangers the rider but also their passengers, others on the trail, and bystanders.


We all recognize that drinking and driving is a dangerous mix, but snowmobiling is a leisure activity, and this message doesn’t always translate. Snowmobilers who are impaired by alcohol experience effects that make maneuvering trails far more dangerous for everyone on them.

Snowmobile Rental Companies

When you’re out there enjoying everything that snowmobiling has to offer, it’s important to keep in mind that a lot of the riders on the trail may be new to the sport, which can increase the risk factors involved. Snowmobile rental companies have a responsibility to ensure that those they rent to are capable of operating these heavy machines safely and are equipped with the safety information they need. Sending unprepared drivers out without adequate instructions or warnings can contribute to or even cause life-threatening accidents, and when this is the case, the rental company can be held accountable in the snowmobile accident claim.

If you’re injured by someone else’s negligence in a snowmobile accident, you can seek compensation for your full range of losses in each of the following categories:

  • Property damage to your snowmobile
  • Medical costs, including ongoing expenses
  • Lost income and any losses related to decreased earning potential
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering, which can be even more considerable than your other losses combined

Turn to an Experienced Rochester Snowmobile Accident Attorney for the Help You Need

The seasoned Rochester snowmobile accident attorneys at Steve Foley Law Firm dedicate our imposing practice to fiercely advocating for the legal rights and rightful compensation of our clients, and we’re here for you, too. For more information, please don’t delay contacting us online or calling us at 716-575-3236 today.