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Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

Whether it be a cracked step, wet floor, or buckling carpet, a slip and fall can take place anywhere at any time. If you have fallen, you may suffer different injuries, leaving you unable to work and with a looming stack of medical bills that can cost you thousands of dollars. Injured individuals may think that their situation is hopeless, even considering bankruptcy to climb out of medical debt.

As a slip and fall victim, you deserve compensation for your losses. In this blog, our Buffalo slip and fall lawyers discuss five steps you should take if you suffer a fall.

Seek Medical Attention

One in every five slip and fall victims sustains a broken bone, with one in 10 victims having to seek medical care. If you have been hurt in a slip and fall, you should call 911 immediately. Slip and fall victims are also prone to spinal and head injuries, which can become life-threatening if left untreated.

Report Your Accident

New York premises liability law requires that the owner or occupier of a property keep the premises safe for visitors or for anyone who has permission to be on the premises. If you have been in a slip and fall, you should report the incident to the property owner or manager right away.

Gather Evidence

Be sure to take pictures of your injuries immediately after your fall. Additionally, you should take photos of the defect in the flooring or sidewalk or the substance on the floor that caused your fall.

Be sure to organize your medical records, including physician’s notes, medical imaging, and the dates that you were examined by a doctor. Also, hold on to claims summaries and medical bills. If your fall caused you to miss time at work, be sure to retain a copy of your pay stubs, specifically those before and after your accident. This will help your attorney to determine your lost wages when calculating damages.

Identify Potential Witnesses

If somebody saw you fall, you will want to get their name and contact information. You may need to call upon this person to testify on your behalf, whether you are making an insurance claim or decide to pursue litigation. A witness can corroborate your version of events, providing details on how slippery the sidewalk was and the way you fell. Powerful eyewitness testimony can help you recover the compensation you need.

Reach Out to a Buffalo Slip and Fall Lawyer

Even if you do not want to take your case to trial, you do want competition representation by your side. At Steve Foley Law Firm, we believe that accident victims deserve adequate compensation to recover any accident-related expenses, allowing them to start anew. We are not afraid to go head-to-head with the insurance company to fight for the compensation that you deserve.

Contact a Buffalo Slip and Fall Attorney at Your Earliest Convenience

If you have been impacted by a slip and fall, now is the time to seek competent counsel. At Steve Foley Law Firm, our Buffalo slip and fall lawyers craft each slip and fall case to tailor-fit your unique situation. We understand the incredible stress that you are under and are dedicated to representing your needs. To learn what your slip and fall case is worth, contact us online or by phone today. We offer free consultations to new clients.