How New York law helps protect those injured at trampoline parks
These days, you can find an indoor venue for just about any kind of athletic or recreational activity you like. A quick Google search will give you a list of places to do everything from rock climbing to ax throwing. Trampoline parks are among the indoor athletic venues that have grown increasingly popular in recent years.
For too many visitors – often children – a visit to a trampoline park can end in serious injury. However, adults can be seriously injured as well. Ten years ago, Joba Chamberlain, who used to pitch for the Yankees, suffered a broken ankle and serious blood loss while at a trampoline park with his son. Broken bones are among the most common types of injuries.
Even backyard trampolines can be extremely dangerous – particularly for young children. Children under six years old shouldn’t jump on trampolines, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. The American Academy of Pediatrics goes further, advising against them for all children. When you have multiple trampolines linked together in a closed-in space and people of various sizes and weights jumping on them, the risks are even higher of being thrown off or even colliding with someone else.
What does New York law say?
The growing number of parks — and injuries — have caused the industry to become more closely regulated. Under New York’s “general obligations” law, guests of “pools, gymnasiums, places of public amusement or recreation and similar establishments” cannot be bound by a liability waiver if they’re injured. These liability waivers are often used by any number of types of businesses to prevent lawsuits by people who are injured on their property or while using their equipment.
While you want the right to be able to take legal action if you or a loved one is injured because of the actions or negligence of a property owner, you’d naturally prefer not to suffer any injuries at all. Nonetheless, if you or your child suffers an injury at a trampoline park or other venue that you believe could or should have been prevented, it’s wise to seek legal guidance.