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Head-on crashes: This is why they’re so serious

Of all potential car accidents, a head-on crash can be the most serious. With a head-on crash, two vehicles hit each other straight on. Both vehicles may be traveling at the same speed in opposite directions, so the force of the crash is multiplied by that acceleration from both sides.

Take for example a crash between a large truck and car traveling at 25 mph each. When they hit, the crash would be more similar to a crash between a single car and wall traveling at 50 mph. While a crash at 25 mph may not be very dangerous, one at 50 mph can be lethal.

Head-on crashes pose unique risks to drivers

Head-on crashes pose unique risks to drivers, too. For instance, both drivers are going to be closer to the point of impact, which means that their bodies may have to absorb more of the force of the impact.

Head-on crashes are also more likely to cause certain kinds of injuries, such as whiplash injuries, head injuries, and injuries to the organs where they may be impacted by the person’s seat belt. Airbag injuries are also common in head-on collisions.

What should you do if you think a head-on crash is going to happen?

If you see another driver heading towards you, the best thing you can do is to put as much space between yourself and the other vehicle as possible. If no one else is in your vehicle, turning the passenger side toward the oncoming vehicle or speeding up and turning away so that the vehicle hits the rear of your vehicle may help you avoid more significant injuries. Slowing down will also reduce the force of the crash, which may help save your life.

If you’ve been hurt in any kind of motor vehicle accident, speaking with an attorney may be the absolute best decision you can make.