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Do personal injury claims just cover medical bills?

When someone is filing a personal injury claim, the first thing that they think of is likely their medical bills. They have to go to the hospital and they need emergency treatment, they know that the accident wasn’t their fault, and they want someone to cover those costs.

All of this is very important and your personal injury claim can cover the medical bills that are accrued because of that accident. But don’t assume that that’s the only thing you can seek compensation for.

Did you miss work?

For example, maybe you had to miss work on the day of the car crash. You were driving during your commute and you clearly didn’t make it to work on time. Instead, you ended up in the hospital. How much did you lose in wages for that day? You may be able to seek compensation for those wages, as well.

This may not feel like a big deal for a single day, but imagine if you spend months out of work while you do rehab and get further medical treatment. You could need significant compensation for those wages, and you may even need to seek compensation for lost future wages if your injuries are so severe that it changes the course of your career. The costs for all of this may be equal to your medical bills or even greater than they are.

Seeking what you deserve

You can see that there are a lot of potential costs linked to an accident. Take the time to understand all of the options that you have to seek what you really deserve if you were hurt due to someone else’s negligence.